Wednesday, August 8, 2007

All MPs In 9th Kenyan Parliament Must Go

This is an initiative by Kumekucha, the popular Kenyan blog to generate support for this campaign to urge Kenyans to vote out the entire 9th parliament. Kindly leave a comment in support and please indicate if you have a valid voters card and if you will vote in this year's elections.

Comments are moderated and will appear within 24 hours at the very latest. This is to protect ourselves from the mischief that is rampant on the net these days. Kindly note that the software we use here does not allow us to edit people's comments. The only thing the administrator can do is reject a comment which we will only do at very extreme cases of irrelevance, so please feel free to air your views.

If you have difficulty posting your comment here, you can send it in via email to unissedthis (at) and I will post it for you

Articles giving valid reasons why the entire 9th parliament needs to be sent home;


Chris said...

It will take a lot to stop me voting this time round, although I have consistently voted in every election since 1997.

My main aim will be to vote OUT everything that stinks of the 9th parliament, even the councilor will have to go (although he was never a memeber of the 9th stinker). This will give me great satisfaction and a clear conscience irrespective of how the rest of the country votes. I have a valid voter's card, I intend to use it.


Charlie said...

No need to replace a greedy incompetent bunch with another. How do we ensure that the newcomers are committed to UNDOING some of the wrongs the present lot made. For instance a signed petition from all new aspirants that they will halve their salaries would be a good start.

Anonymous said...

My MP is getting a red Card so is the President. No one deserves to come back for the reasons already stated.
Chris I Applaud you for bringing this issue to light.

ANyway polls show that 90% of mps are going Home never to come back may they be robbed of all the ill gotten wealth

Anonymous said...

I am a student in the UK and came here two years ago. Last month I recently called home and speaking to my mother learnt how outrageous purchasing a loaf of bread was. i was so annoyed when i know how much the MPs who represent their poor constituents take home. I wondered if Kumekucha knew how expensive life was for the common mwananchi. And here it is, you have said it. They should all go home because none of these representatives is in touch with reality! They are all greedy. I agree that the next salaries for the new parliament should be halved on grounds of humanity.

bloggeratti said...

Considering we're all reading from the same script, perhaps what we should do is identify, screen and pigia debe viable candidates for the next parliament.

By harnessing the power of the net and the numbers of Kumekucha, we can achieve this in record time. Charlie's idea of a signed petition for halving salaries is a brilliant start.

bloggeratti said...

We're all reading from the same page. Why not put it into practice?

How about performance contracts with serious repercussions if the MP does'nt deliver?